Пользовательские индикаторы к foo_vis_vumeter

Список разделов foobar2000 Секреты foobar2000

Описание: Кнопочки, конфиги, секреты, советы.

Сообщение #241 sega72 » 05.10.2015, 09:26

Gary, :clap:
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С нами: 9 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщение #242 Gary » 05.10.2015, 10:55

Gary M
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С нами: 8 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщение #243 SanJose » 05.10.2015, 14:18

Next additions will be in Google Drive ok? You don't like sharemods?
And please if You can write messages in english, because im not good at russian :oops:
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С нами: 11 лет 3 месяца

Сообщение #244 sega72 » 05.10.2015, 14:30

SanJose, Google Drive will be Ok. My antivirus software didn't like sharemods. Excuse me for my english, cause I'm not good in english too ))
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С нами: 9 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщение #245 Gary » 05.10.2015, 16:00

I would like to draw your attention to an unusual BC5000 (4705)
if it is correct on my part :smile:
Gary M
Репутация: 3
С нами: 8 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщение #246 SanJose » 05.10.2015, 18:04

BEOCORD 5000 4705
Links you posted at yandex are not working.

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С нами: 11 лет 3 месяца

Сообщение #247 Gary » 05.10.2015, 18:46

I know
cool! tremendous thank you!

/check your private messages/
Gary M
Репутация: 3
С нами: 8 лет 10 месяцев


Сообщение #248 noel62 » 06.10.2015, 14:36

Hello everyone,
Here is my previous DENON mod V3 cut-down to its analog meters (available in gold and silver).

Сообщение #249 SanJose » 06.10.2015, 17:39

Akai GX 747.zip
(101.46 КБ) Скачиваний: 2108
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С нами: 11 лет 3 месяца

Сообщение #250 kgena_ua » 06.10.2015, 21:02

foo_vis_vumeter and wsh:
Код: Выделить всё
// @name "Peak meter"
// @author "kgena_ua"

// foo_vis_vumeter.dll required

function RGB(r,g,b) { return (0xff000000|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|(b)); }   
function RGBA(r, g, b, a) { return ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b)); }    

var font = gdi.Font("Arial",9,1);
var font2 = gdi.Font("Arial",11,0);   

var set_path = fb.ProfilePath + "\\maybe\\settings\\";

DT_CENTER = 0x00000001;   
DT_VCENTER = 0x00000004;   
DT_SINGLELINE = 0x00000020;    
DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS = 0x00040000;   

ColorTypeCUI = { background: 3,};
var bgcolor = window.GetColorCUI(ColorTypeCUI.background);
//var bgcolor = RGB(40,40,40);

var dll;
var is_dll = utils.CheckComponent("\\user-components\\foo_vis_vumeter\\foo_vis_vumeter");
if (is_dll) {dll = false} else {dll = true};

var ww, wh;   
var on_mouse = false;   

var color1 = [ RGB(90,105,114), RGB(140,164,179) ];
var color2 = [ RGB(200,200,200), RGB(90,105,114) ];
var bg_offset_color = bgcolor;
var offset_color = color2[0];
var db = new Array(-30,-25,-20,-17.5,-15,-12.5,-10,-7.5,-5,-4.5,-4,-3.5,-3,-2.5,-2,-1.5,-1,-0.5,0,0.1,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,5);   
var db_l = new Array(-85-80,-75,-70,-65,-50,-45,-40,-35,-30);   

var separator;

for (var i = 0; i <= db.length; i++) {   
    if (db[i] == 0) {separator = i};

var VUMOffset_t, t_height, t_width;

if (dll) {VUMeter = new ActiveXObject("VUMeter")};   
if (dll) {VUMeter.RegisterWindow(window.ID)}; // do not use for transparent mode   
function ToDB(Level){   
    return Math.round(2000*Math.log(Level)/Math.LN10)/100;   
function on_size() {   
    ww = window.Width;   
    wh = window.Height;   

//var points = 27;
var col = 10;
var ytext = 5;
var yL = ytext + 16;
var h = 2;   
var yLM = yL + h + 4;
var hM = 5;   
var yRM = yLM + 10;
var yR = yRM + hM + 4; 

var wL = 0, wR = 0;   
var xLanim = 0, xRanim = 0;
var xL = 0, xR = 0;   

var xLManim = 0, xRManim = 0;
var xLM = 0, xRM = 0;   
var kLM = 0, kRM = 0;
var kLM2 = 0, kRM2 = 0;   
var xLManim2 = 0, xRManim2 = 0;

var kL = 0, kR = 0;
var wLanim = 0, wRanim = 0;

var oldwL = 0, oldwR = 0;

function on_paint(gr) {   
    !window.IsTransparent && gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, bgcolor);
    //gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, RGB(100,100,100));

    var color = [];
    var combinedColor1 = [];
    var combinedColor2 = [];
    var points = db.length;
    var s1 = separator;
    var s2 = points - s1;
        var points_l = db_l.length;
    for(var j = 0; j < s1; j++) {
        combinedColor1.push(combineColors(color1[0], color1[1], j / s1));
    for(var j = 0; j < s2; j++) {
        combinedColor2.push(combineColors(color2[0], color2[1], j / s2));
    color = combinedColor1.concat(combinedColor2);

    if (dll) {
        L = VUMeter.LeftLevel;   
        R = VUMeter.RightLevel;   
        LM = VUMeter.LeftPeak;   
        RM = VUMeter.RightPeak;   
    var offset = (ww - col * 1) / points;   
    var w = offset - 1;   
    var offset_l = (ww / 6 - col * 1) / points_l;   
    var w_l = offset_l - 1;   
    var yLM_l = ytext + 1, yRM_l = yLM_l + 6;
    var hM_l = 2;
    if (fb.IsPlaying && dll) {

        for (var i = 0; i <= points - 0; i++) {   
            if (ToDB(LM) > db_l[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + 20 + i * offset_l, yLM_l, w_l, hM_l, color[5]);    
            if (ToDB(RM) > db_l[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + 20 + i * offset_l, yRM_l, w_l, hM_l, color[5]);

        for (var i = 0; i <= points - 0; i++) {   
            if((ToDB(L) > db[i] && ToDB(L) < db[i+1])) {wL = i * offset + offset / Math.abs(db[i + 1]-db[i]) * Math.abs(ToDB(L) - db[i]) }   
            if (wL > col) gr.FillSolidRect(col, yL, wL, h, color[1]);   

            if((ToDB(R) > db[i] && ToDB(R) < db[i+1])) {wR = i * offset + offset / Math.abs(db[i + 1]-db[i]) * Math.abs(ToDB(R) - db[i]) }   
            if (wR > col) gr.FillSolidRect(col, yR, wR, h, color[1]);    

            if (xLanim <= wL) {xLanim = wL; kL = 0; wLanim = wL - oldwL < 1 ? wLanim : wL - oldwL + 5} else {oldwL = wL};
            if (xLanim > col) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xLanim + 2, yL, wLanim <= 0 ? 5 : wLanim, h, xRanim <= wR ? color[15] : color[8]);   

            if (xRanim <= wR) {xRanim = wR; kR = 0; wRanim = wR - oldwR < 1 ? wRanim : wR - oldwR + 5} else {oldwR = wR};
            if (xRanim > col) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xRanim + 2, yR, wRanim <= 0 ? 5 : wRanim, h, xRanim <= wR ? color[15] : color[8]);   

            var overL = col + xLanim + 2 + wLanim - ww - 10;
            if (overL > 0) gr.FillSolidRect(ww - overL, ytext + 12, ww - 10, h, color[10]);

            var overR = col + xRanim + 2 + wRanim - ww - 10;
            if (overR > 0) gr.FillSolidRect(ww - overR, yR + h + 1, ww - 10, h, color[10]);

            if (ToDB(LM) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + i * offset, yLM, w, hM, color[i]);    
            if (ToDB(RM) > db[i]) gr.FillSolidRect(col + i * offset, yRM, w, hM, color[i]);                       

            if (ToDB(LM) > db[i] && ToDB(LM) < db[i+1]) {xLM = i * offset};   
            if (xLManim <= xLM) {xLManim = xLM; xLManim2 = xLM; kLM = 0; kLM2 = 0};
            if (xLManim > col) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xLManim + offset, yLM, w * 0.6, hM , color[Math.round(xLManim/offset)]);    

            if (ToDB(RM) > db[i] && ToDB(RM) < db[i+1]) {xRM = i * offset};   
            if (xRManim <= xRM) {xRManim = xRM; xRManim2 = xRM; kRM = 0; kRM2 = 0};
            if (xRManim > col) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xRManim + offset, yRM, w * 0.6, hM, color[Math.round(xRManim/offset)]);    

            if (xLManim2 > col) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xLManim2 + offset - 0, yLM, w * 0.3, hM, color[Math.round(xRManim2/offset)]);    
            if (xRManim2 > col) gr.FillSolidRect(col + xRManim2 + offset - 0, yRM, w * 0.3, hM, color[Math.round(xLManim2/offset)]);    
    }else {
        xLM = 0; xRM = 0; xLManim = 0; xRManim = 0;

    if (dll) {
        for (var i = 0; i <= points - 1; i = i + 2) {
            var text_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(db[i], font);   
            if (fb.IsPlaying) if (i > 6) gr.GdiDrawText(db[i], font, color1[0], col + offset * i - text_w / 2, ytext, ww, wh);

        for (var i = 1; i <= points - 2; i = i + 2) {
            var text_w = gr.CalcTextWidth(db[i], font);   
 //   gr.GdiDrawText("db", font, on == 0 && on_mouse ? color1[1] : color1[0], col, on == 1 ? ytext : yR - 2, ww, wh);   
    gr.GdiDrawText("db", font, color1[1], col, ytext, ww, wh);   
    VUMOffset_t = Math.round(VUMeter.Offset) + " db";
    t_height = gr.CalcTextHeight(VUMOffset_t, font2) + 2;
    t_width = gr.CalcTextWidth(VUMOffset_t, font2) + 10;
    wheel && gr.FillSolidRect(pos_x - t_width, pos_y - t_height + 0, t_width, t_height, bg_offset_color);
    wheel && gr.GdiDrawText(VUMOffset_t, font2, offset_color, pos_x - t_width, pos_y - t_height + 0, t_width, t_height, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS );
 //  gr.GdiDrawText(on_mouse, font2, RGB(250,250,250), 100, 0, ww, wh);   

function on_playback_new_track() {   
    seek_timer && window.ClearInterval(seek_timer);   
    seek_timer = window.SetInterval(function() {   
        kL = kL + 6;
        wLanim = wLanim - 0.01 * kL;
        kR = kR + 6;
        wRanim = wRanim - 0.01 * kR;           
        xLanim = xLanim - 0.5;   
        xRanim = xRanim - 0.5;
        kLM = kLM + 15;   
        kRM = kRM + 15;          
        xLManim = xLManim - 0.002 * kLM;           
        xRManim = xRManim - 0.002 * kRM;   
        kLM2 = kLM2 + 0.5;
        kRM2 = kRM2 + 0.5;          
        xLManim2 = xLManim2 + kLM2;
        xRManim2 = xRManim2 + kRM2;
function on_playback_stop(reason) {   
    if(reason == 0) {   

function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x,y) {   

var pos_x = 0;
var pos_y = 0;

function on_mouse_move(x,y) {
    on_mouse = true;
    pos_x = x <= t_width ? col + t_width : col + x;
    pos_y = y <= t_height ? t_height : y;

function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) {

function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) {

function on_mouse_mbtn_dblclk(){

function on_mouse_leave() {
    on_mouse = false;
var wheel = false;
function on_mouse_wheel(step) {
    wheel = true;
    VUMeter.Offset = VUMeter.Offset + step;
    tooltip_timer && window.ClearTimeout(tooltip_timer);
    tooltip_timer = window.SetTimeout(function() {
        wheel = false;
        tooltip_timer && window.ClearTimeout(tooltip_timer);
        tooltip_timer = false;
    }, 2000);

function on_playback_time(){
    if(!seek_timer) on_playback_new_track();
var Tooltip = window.CreateTooltip();
var tooltip_timer = false;
var seek_timer;   

function combineColors(c1, c2, f){ // When fraction is 0, result is 100% color1, when f is 1, result is 100% color2.
    var c1 = toRGB(c1);
    var c2 = toRGB(c2);

    var r = Math.round(c1[0] + f * (c2[0] - c1[0]));
    var g = Math.round(c1[1] + f * (c2[1] - c1[1]));
    var b = Math.round(c1[2] + f * (c2[2] - c1[2]));
    return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b));

function toRGB(d){ // convert back to RGB values
    var d = d-0xff000000;
    var r = d >> 16;
    var g = d >> 8 & 0xFF;
    var b = d & 0xFF;

    return [r,g,b];
kgena_ua M
Откуда: Украина, Днепр
Репутация: 504
С нами: 11 лет 4 месяца

Сообщение #251 Gary » 06.10.2015, 23:18

Peak latency and all super, but alas :cry:
thank you! :smile:
Gary M
Репутация: 3
С нами: 8 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщение #252 simmons » 06.10.2015, 23:29


Thank you. You going much more better and better! Good luck SanJose!
simmons M
Репутация: 128
С нами: 15 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщение #253 Gary » 07.10.2015, 02:38

I don't bother you? Last request: BC2200(4601)/BC1700(4603).
It is not urgent.I want to finish with one idea.
Needed your participation.
Gary M
Репутация: 3
С нами: 8 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщение #254 SanJose » 07.10.2015, 16:57

BC2200 (4601) and BC1700 (4603) have the same VU's? Anyway:

BEOCORD 2200 (4601) subtype with "fat" needles.


Добавлено спустя 34 минуты 44 секунды:
Forgot to post:
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С нами: 11 лет 3 месяца

Сообщение #255 Gary » 07.10.2015, 17:35

I don't know how you do it, but it's magical! :yes:
Exactly what I need! Super!
Thank you!

Добавлено спустя 14 минут 49 секунд:
Wow! Bonus! Fit like a native! Buzz!
Gary M
Репутация: 3
С нами: 8 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщение #256 SanJose » 07.10.2015, 17:53

Its very easy, if You have very good reference image/photo.
Problems starts when you have bad quality image or proportions are wrong - see Poineer QX and AKAI 747, those two i've made totally by my hand i only looked on the images/photos. :wink:
Репутация: 55
С нами: 11 лет 3 месяца

Сообщение #257 Gary » 07.10.2015, 18:06

Cool! Let anyone try to say that it is not art :biggrin:

SanJose, you did so much that I do not dare to say more.. but I still have two: BC1900 and Grundig V7500 :pray: :smile:
and "finita"..honestly :biggrin:
Gary M
Репутация: 3
С нами: 8 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщение #258 noel62 » 08.10.2015, 00:53

Hi guys,
Here is a new modded TEAC one. Hope you enjoy it.

Добавлено спустя 19 минут 38 секунд:
May I suggest the following settings to use with foo_vis_vumeter. You may also set the gain while hoovering over the meters using the mouse wheel to 0db.

Сообщение #259 Gary » 08.10.2015, 01:13

Seriously, I for a long time, almost every day, looked into this topic, in the hope that there will be at least one indicator and all in vain. And when that number comes up to me, I'm a little woozy with happiness. Don't pay any attention to it. I understand what you're saying, but using a translator to answer seriously difficult for me. As I'm not trying - one laugh :biggrin:
Gary M
Репутация: 3
С нами: 8 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщение #260 SanJose » 08.10.2015, 15:23


0 1 light system.

My personal set of the VU:
+5 dB for digital/led indicators
+10 dB for analog indicators
Offcourse 0 db is set via mouse :wink:
TEAC lookin good noel.

For Beocord 1900 I have small problem, because there are not many photos on the internet it will be quite hard to do analog scale, but I will do my best. :wink:
Maybe You have good photos?
GRUNDIG V 7500.zip
(120.68 КБ) Скачиваний: 934
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С нами: 11 лет 3 месяца


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