- Код: Выделить всё
Levels 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 should generate subset-compatible streams, 11 and 12 should not. The difference is that 11 and 12 are allowed to use a much larger predictor (32) order which is not allowed in the subset. Other than that, there is no subset-incompatible behaviour.
- Код: Выделить всё
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] compression: 0
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] lpc type: Fixed pre-defined coefficients
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] prediction order: 2, 3
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] order method: estimate
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] partition order: 2, 2
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] block size: 1152
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] compression: 1
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] lpc type: Fixed pre-defined coefficients
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] prediction order: 0, 4
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] order method: estimate
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] partition order: 2, 2
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] block size: 1152
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 0000000002c2ff60] compression: 2
[flac @ 0000000002c2ff60] lpc type: Fixed pre-defined coefficients
[flac @ 0000000002c2ff60] prediction order: 0, 4
[flac @ 0000000002c2ff60] order method: estimate
[flac @ 0000000002c2ff60] partition order: 0, 3
[flac @ 0000000002c2ff60] block size: 1152
[flac @ 0000000002c2ff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 0000000002bfff60] compression: 3
[flac @ 0000000002bfff60] lpc type: Levinson-Durbin recursion with Welch window
[flac @ 0000000002bfff60] prediction order: 1, 6
[flac @ 0000000002bfff60] order method: estimate
[flac @ 0000000002bfff60] partition order: 0, 3
[flac @ 0000000002bfff60] block size: 4608
[flac @ 0000000002bfff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] compression: 4
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] lpc type: Levinson-Durbin recursion with Welch window
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] prediction order: 1, 8
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] order method: estimate
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] partition order: 0, 3
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] block size: 4608
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 0000000002b8ff60] compression: 5
[flac @ 0000000002b8ff60] lpc type: Levinson-Durbin recursion with Welch window
[flac @ 0000000002b8ff60] prediction order: 1, 8
[flac @ 0000000002b8ff60] order method: estimate
[flac @ 0000000002b8ff60] partition order: 0, 8
[flac @ 0000000002b8ff60] block size: 4608
[flac @ 0000000002b8ff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] compression: 6
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] lpc type: Levinson-Durbin recursion with Welch window
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] prediction order: 1, 8
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] order method: 4-level
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] partition order: 0, 8
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] block size: 4608
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] compression: 7
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] lpc type: Levinson-Durbin recursion with Welch window
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] prediction order: 1, 8
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] order method: log search
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] partition order: 0, 8
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] block size: 4608
[flac @ 000000000034ff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 0000000002bcff60] compression: 8
[flac @ 0000000002bcff60] lpc type: Levinson-Durbin recursion with Welch window
[flac @ 0000000002bcff60] prediction order: 1, 12
[flac @ 0000000002bcff60] order method: 4-level
[flac @ 0000000002bcff60] partition order: 0, 8
[flac @ 0000000002bcff60] block size: 4608
[flac @ 0000000002bcff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 0000000002b9ff60] compression: 9
[flac @ 0000000002b9ff60] lpc type: Levinson-Durbin recursion with Welch window
[flac @ 0000000002b9ff60] prediction order: 1, 12
[flac @ 0000000002b9ff60] order method: log search
[flac @ 0000000002b9ff60] partition order: 0, 8
[flac @ 0000000002b9ff60] block size: 4608
[flac @ 0000000002b9ff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] compression: 10
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] lpc type: Levinson-Durbin recursion with Welch window
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] prediction order: 1, 12
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] order method: full search
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] partition order: 0, 8
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] block size: 4608
[flac @ 0000000002b2ff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 0000000002bbff60] compression: 11
[flac @ 0000000002bbff60] lpc type: Levinson-Durbin recursion with Welch window
[flac @ 0000000002bbff60] prediction order: 1, 32
[flac @ 0000000002bbff60] order method: log search
[flac @ 0000000002bbff60] partition order: 0, 8
[flac @ 0000000002bbff60] block size: 4608
[flac @ 0000000002bbff60] lpc precision: 15
[flac @ 000000000035ff60] compression: 12
[flac @ 000000000035ff60] lpc type: Levinson-Durbin recursion with Welch window
[flac @ 000000000035ff60] prediction order: 1, 32
[flac @ 000000000035ff60] order method: full search
[flac @ 000000000035ff60] partition order: 0, 8
[flac @ 000000000035ff60] block size: 4608
[flac @ 000000000035ff60] lpc precision: 15
- Код: Выделить всё
FLAC encoder AVOptions:
-lpc_coeff_precision <int> E...A.... LPC coefficient precision (from 0 to 15) (default 15)
-lpc_type <int> E...A.... LPC algorithm (from -1 to 3) (default -1)
none E...A....
fixed E...A....
levinson E...A....
cholesky E...A....
-lpc_passes <int> E...A.... Number of passes to use for Cholesky factorization during LPC analysis (from 1 to INT_MAX) (default 2)
-min_partition_order <int> E...A.... (from -1 to 8) (default -1)
-max_partition_order <int> E...A.... (from -1 to 8) (default -1)
-prediction_order_method <int> E...A.... Search method for selecting prediction order (from -1 to 5) (default -1)
estimation E...A....
2level E...A....
4level E...A....
8level E...A....
search E...A....
log E...A....
-ch_mode <int> E...A.... Stereo decorrelation mode (from -1 to 3) (default auto)
auto E...A....
indep E...A....
left_side E...A....
right_side E...A....
mid_side E...A....
-exact_rice_parameters <boolean> E...A.... Calculate rice parameters exactly (default false)
-multi_dim_quant <boolean> E...A.... Multi-dimensional quantization (default false)
-min_prediction_order <int> E...A.... (from -1 to 32) (default -1)
-max_prediction_order <int> E...A.... (from -1 to 32) (default -1)
Ключ -exact_rice_parameters 1 еще мизерно увеличивает сжатие
Ключ -multi_dim_quant 1 для самых мазохистов терпеливых. Скорость словно при серьезном видеокодировании