Дата сборки: 27.09.2014
Автор: неизв + remix by dav
В основе лежит полная версия плеера: foobar2000 v1.3.3
Длительно эксплуатировалась на Win8.1 работает стабильно
Читает DTS SACD FLAC Matr ALAC и др.

Список дополнительных плагинов:
- Спойлер
- Core (2014-07-16 13:32:52 UTC)
foobar2000 core 1.3.3
foo_abx.dll (2009-06-07 12:25:26 UTC)
ABX Comparator 1.3.4
foo_ac3.dll (2010-04-13 02:00:12 UTC)
AC3 decoder 0.9.5
foo_adpcm.dll (2011-12-16 01:27:37 UTC)
kode's ADPCM decoders 1.10
foo_albumlist.dll (2014-07-16 13:29:06 UTC)
Album List 4.5
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2010-06-04 06:27:04 UTC)
Audioscrobbler 1.4.7
foo_benchmark.dll (2013-06-15 17:27:27 UTC)
Decoding Speed Test 1.2.2
foo_bitcompare.dll (2008-12-05 17:08:02 UTC)
Binary Comparator 1.2
foo_bpm.dll (2010-04-20 12:35:07 UTC)
BPM Analyser
foo_cdda.dll (2014-07-16 13:28:50 UTC)
CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_channel_mixer.dll (2011-08-07 11:54:54 UTC)
Channel Mixer
foo_converter.dll (2014-07-16 13:29:00 UTC)
Converter 1.5
foo_crystalizer.dll (2010-01-04 18:09:50 UTC)
Crystalizer v1
foo_cuefilter.dll (2010-02-05 15:31:52 UTC)
CUE Playlist Filter
foo_discogs.dll (2011-08-21 06:01:28 UTC)
Discogs Tagger 1.30
foo_dsp_bs2b.dll (2009-12-13 10:42:30 UTC)
bs2b 3.1.0
foo_dsp_continuator.dll (2007-04-11 04:29:04 UTC)
Continuator 0.4.1
foo_dsp_convolver.dll (2011-11-18 17:12:42 UTC)
Convolver (gapless) 0.4.2
foo_dsp_crossfader.dll (2010-01-13 23:46:10 UTC)
Gapless Crossfader
foo_dsp_delta.dll (2008-10-24 12:57:16 UTC)
Noise Sharpening DSP 1.0.0
foo_dsp_dolbyhp.dll (2010-01-24 19:56:04 UTC)
Наушники Dolby 1.4.1
foo_dsp_downmix.dll (2012-06-16 12:03:26 UTC)
Downmix AC3/DTS to PL2 0.2
foo_dsp_effect.dll (2011-08-21 06:09:02 UTC)
Effect DSP 0.9.2
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2014-07-16 13:29:12 UTC)
Equalizer 1.0
foo_dsp_eqsplit.dll (2008-07-12 23:49:10 UTC)
Split equalizer v0.0.1
foo_dsp_force48kHz.dll (2008-08-18 20:54:46 UTC)
force 48kHz 2008.08.18
foo_dsp_freeverb.dll (2010-02-04 14:04:30 UTC)
Freeverb 0.3
foo_dsp_fsurround.dll (2011-01-31 22:56:46 UTC)
FreeSurround 0.8.1
foo_dsp_loudspeakereq.dll (2009-07-02 05:52:58 UTC)
Loudspeaker Equalizer 1.0.1
foo_dsp_lowpass.dll (2010-04-07 15:04:30 UTC)
SoX Lowpass filter 0.0.2
foo_dsp_midside.dll (2011-04-30 13:12:19 UTC)
Mid/Side Stereo Converter 0.1
foo_dsp_mm.dll (2009-12-23 17:39:04 UTC)
Matrix Mixer 0.3
foo_dsp_muleteer.dll (2013-03-24 21:33:10 UTC)
Muleteer DSP 0.78
foo_dsp_noise.dll (2009-06-28 17:28:32 UTC)
Add Noise DSP 0.0.4
foo_dsp_resampler.dll (2013-06-15 17:27:11 UTC)
SoX Resampler 0.8.3
foo_dsp_resampler_mod.dll (2011-11-18 17:12:34 UTC)
SoX Resampler mod 0.7.6 mod
foo_dsp_resampler_mod2.dll (2013-06-15 17:27:19 UTC)
SoX Resampler mod2 0.8.3 mod2
foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll (2011-08-07 12:42:30 UTC)
Skip Silence 1.0
foo_dsp_soundtouch.dll (2010-01-14 23:08:06 UTC)
SoundTouch DSP 1.1
foo_dsp_span.dll (2009-04-07 11:35:31 UTC)
Surround Pan 1.3
foo_dsp_spxresample.dll (2011-08-20 14:03:22 UTC)
Speex Resampler 0.1
foo_dsp_srcresample.dll (2011-08-24 17:59:44 UTC)
Secret Rabbit Code Resampler 0.1
foo_dsp_ssrc.dll (2011-04-27 19:50:39 UTC)
Resampler DSP (SSRC) 0.57
foo_dsp_ssrcX.dll (2011-02-25 23:34:35 UTC)
Resampler DSP (SSRC X) 0.57
foo_dsp_std.dll (2014-07-16 13:28:58 UTC)
Standard DSP Array 1.3
foo_dsp_xfeed.dll (2011-09-21 14:49:31 UTC)
Crossfeed 0.1.3
foo_dsp_xgeq.dll (2012-05-28 08:31:07 UTC)
Graphic Equalizer 0.3.7
foo_dumb.dll (2013-06-15 17:17:41 UTC)
DUMB module decoder 1.0.30
foo_fileops.dll (2014-07-16 13:28:26 UTC)
File Operations 2.2.1
foo_freedb2.dll (2014-07-16 13:28:38 UTC)
Online Tagger 0.7
foo_hdcd.dll (2012-08-18 07:09:09 UTC)
HDCD decoder 1.15
foo_input_avs.dll (2014-09-24 15:26:09 UTC)
AVS input 0.4
foo_input_dts.dll (2014-09-24 15:27:06 UTC)
DTS decoder 0.3.3
foo_input_dvda.dll (2012-03-16 14:30:28 UTC)
DVD-Audio Decoder and Watermark Detector 0.4.11
foo_input_exe.dll (2012-10-17 21:28:49 UTC)
Command-Line Decoder Wrapper 0.4
foo_input_monkey.dll (2009-05-01 08:40:52 UTC)
Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_input_msl.dll (2010-01-13 21:12:00 UTC)
foo_input_sacd.dll (2012-08-25 16:03:10 UTC)
Super Audio CD Decoder 0.5.11
foo_input_std.dll (2014-07-16 13:32:52 UTC)
Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_input_tak.dll (2013-06-15 17:27:36 UTC)
TAK Decoder 0.4.6 beta 4
foo_input_tta.dll (2010-10-30 11:24:31 UTC)
TTA Audio Decoder 3.2
foo_input_wmx.dll (2010-01-13 21:00:46 UTC)
Acro WMA decoder
foo_masstag.dll (2007-08-20 11:01:20 UTC)
Masstagger 1.6
foo_midi.dll (2013-05-01 19:47:48 UTC)
MIDI synthesizer host 1.201
foo_musical_spectrum.dll (2012-11-21 04:00:00 UTC)
Musical Spectrum 0.9.1
foo_musicbrainz.dll (2012-07-24 22:23:28 UTC)
MusicBrainz Tagger 0.3
foo_out_asio.dll (2012-06-08 19:42:43 UTC)
ASIO support 2.1.2
foo_out_ks.dll (2006-08-04 19:54:58 UTC)
Kernel Streaming Output 1.2.2
foo_playcount.dll (2011-08-07 11:44:01 UTC)
Playback Statistics 3.0.2
foo_popupplus.dll (2008-04-24 23:24:18 UTC)
PopUp Plus 20080424
foo_rgscan.dll (2014-07-16 13:31:50 UTC)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.2.1
foo_run.dll (2009-06-07 12:15:18 UTC)
Run services 0.3.7
foo_runcmd.dll (2010-01-07 21:32:34 UTC)
Run Command 1.1
foo_scheduler.dll (2012-09-08 10:22:02 UTC)
Scheduler 4.10
foo_softplaylists.dll (2011-02-10 19:50:41 UTC)
Soft Playlists 2011-02-05
foo_texttools.dll (2010-09-01 16:45:46 UTC)
Text Tools 1.0.5
foo_ui_columns.dll (2011-02-27 23:22:58 UTC)
Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2014-07-16 13:32:52 UTC)
Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2010-10-30 16:51:16 UTC)
foo_uie_explorer.dll (2010-02-22 16:51:29 UTC)
Explorer Tree 2.04.8
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2011-03-07 08:34:42 UTC)
Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_playlists_dropdown.dll (2007-02-08 13:26:16 UTC)
Playlists Dropdown 0.6 alpha 3
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2012-10-30 20:48:12 UTC)
Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan 5 2007 - 13:36:12]
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2012-10-30 20:47:10 UTC)
Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2012-10-28 16:33:31 UTC)
WSH Panel Mod 1.5.6
foo_unpack.dll (2014-07-16 13:28:20 UTC)
ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.6
foo_unpack_7z.dll (2011-09-21 16:56:32 UTC)
7-Zip reader 1.8
foo_verifier.dll (2013-04-09 07:34:05 UTC)
File Integrity Verifier 1.1.1
foo_vis_vumeter.dll (2013-02-16 07:44:26 UTC)
VU Meter 2013-02-16
foo_vst.dll (2011-03-05 07:19:04 UTC)
VST 2.4 adapter
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2013-06-15 17:17:42 UTC)
Waveform seekbar
вставлены VST
iZotope.Ozone.5.Advanced.v5.04-R2R только EQ
ПО УМОЛЧАНИЮ VST в PRESET на задействованы
СКАЧАТЬ: dropbox
- Спойлер
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/kq4qks17yaiiley/FOOBAR%20RELAX%20by%20dav.rar?dl=0