- Спойлер
// @name "WSH Playlist Viewer 2013"
// @version "0.0.8"
// @author "Br3tt aka Falstaff >> http://br3tt.deviantart.com"
// @feature "v1.4"
// @feature "watch-metadb"
// @feature "dragdrop"
// @import "%fb2k_profile_path%wsh_br3tt\js\WSHcommon.js"
// @import "%fb2k_profile_path%wsh_br3tt\js\WSHplaylist.js"
// [Requirements]
// * foobar2000 v1.1 or better >> http://foobar2000.org
// * WSH panel Mod v1.5.6 or better >> http://code.google.com/p/foo-wsh-panel-mod/downloads/list
// * Font guifx v2 transports >> http://blog.guifx.com/2009/04/02/guifx-v2-transport-font
// this font is required to get nice stars for the rating columns, but if not installed, it will works with standard star (*) character
// [/Requirements]
// [Installation]
// * disable "Safe Mode" option in WSH Panel Mod preferences (menu File>Preferences>Tools>WSH Panel Mod)
// * copy "wsh_br3tt" folder into your foobar2000 Profile folder
// * then import/paste this script into a WSH Panel Mod instance of your foobar2000 layout (DUI or CUI)
// [/Installation]
// [Tips]
// * Use Jscript9 engine (if supported by your system) for better performances (known issue: high %cpu on mouse move with Windows 8 versions, prefer Jscript engine)
// * change colors and fonts in foobar2000 Preferences > DefaultUI or ColumsUI
// * Some Settings can be changed in window Properties (right click on a playlist item > Settings...)
// * double click on toolbar > Show Now Playing item
// * use Keyboard for searching artist in the playlist (incremental search feature like in ELPlaylist)
// [/Tips]
Работает все прекрасно за исключением того что в данный плейлист через Drag & Drop невозможно добавлять треки ни из библиотеки, ни из Explorer Tree