Bookmarks (foo_uie_bookmarks)
Помогает запомнить позиции и громкость в песнях.
Instant Save: bookmarks data file is written to immediately whenever a change in listview data takes place except when a column is clicked
context menu Save performs writing to bookmarks data file
Delete key removes items
Keyboard Shortcuts: Clear Bookmarks, Bookmark
Inline editable Comment column
Auto mode:
Bookmarks: activated bookmarks are automatically updated on stop, user starting another bookmark or nonbookmark, or shutdown; if playback reaches the end of the track, the bookmark is automatically deleted
Nonbookmarks: captures playing nonbookmarks on shutdown/user starting another for no/all/specified playlists; starting another capturing can be disabled for interplaylist/intraplaylist tracks; can capture a cache playlist that's been cleared
Queue: captures playback queue on shutdown, user stop, and user starting another
Field for global title formatting: %bookmarks_auto_mode%, the values are: auto bookmarks, auto nonbookmarks [sa|sd|cccp], auto queue; when queue is active w/either of the other modes, "& queue" is appended
Cache: captures entire playlist for a bookmark
+ добавлено-
- убрано
~ изменено
! исправлено
- redundant & unused code
~ grayed out logic completed for auto bookmarking s.a. & cache prefs
~ optimizations
! if auto bookmarking s.a. was active and "Capture cleared…" pref was disabled, track was still captured for cleared cache playlist
+ individual bookmark properties: Auto Mode, Volume, Prestart, Added On, Last Played On; default can be set in prefs
+ columns: Flags, Prestart, Last Played On
+ auto bookmarking (formerly auto nonbookmarks) pref "All playlists except"
+ playlist selector for playlists prefs
~ %bookmarks_auto_mode% changed to %bookmarks%, values also changed
~ do not capture volume when bookmarking if playback is inactive
~ cache playlists pref is now like those for auto bookmarking
~ auto bookmarking sa mode now also applies to playlistless tracks
~ prefs layout is now tabbed
~ optimizations
~ internal changes
! visual glitches
~ оптимизации
~ улучшены описания некоторых настроек "Use this playlist:"
! режим auto nonbookmarks не активировался, если букмарки были очищены при воспроизведении nonauto-букмарка
! previous playing auto bookmark state was not cleared in some cases which prevented the current playing auto bookmark from updating (0.2.1)
foobar2000/plugins_for_0.9.x/bookmarks_foo_uie_bookmarks.txt · Последние изменения: 2007/05/10 04:33 (внешнее изменение)