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Discogs (foo_discogs)


Запрашивает информацию и обложки альбомов из Discogs.com.


  • Тегирует файлы используя данные Discog.com. Запрашивает информации больше, чем другие теггеры
  • Гибкая карта тегирования позволяет записать только те данные, которые вам нужны
  • Использует метаданные в тегах для отображения artist / label / release discogs www page
  • Способен обновлять указанные теги в дальнейшем (удобная опция для обновления, например, рейтинга)



  • GdiPlus.dll



  • add: back button on the release dialog, return to find release dialog
  • fix: crash when parsing some releases such as 743691 with disc titles in the tracklisting. (thx Hivemind)
  • fix: crash when parsing buggy artist pages with empty "Members:" section. Hey Bob Sinclar smile.gif. (thx stampgevaar)

v 0.99

  • add: "find deleted release ids" will scan all selected item and see if %DISCOG_RELEASE_ID% has been deleted in discogs.com database. Those items are put in a new playlist.
  • chg: when updating tags /art the only possible error now aborting the operation is if the connection to discogs.com is lost. Other errors (deleted release id, bad url) will just cancel processing for the current item and proceed to the next. Most of those errors are now logged in the foobar console. If operation is stopped because of a connexion error, retrieved tag up to this point will be still written. Also the abort button will stop the operation but still write all tags up to this point.
  • chg: now it's possible again to retrieve art when tagging, without having the release id tag enabled for writing
  • chg: removed moving discogs track by draging the item as it messed quick selection (shift+click) usefull to remove items for multi-cd releases
  • chg: clear cached data (releases, artists, …) when the cache contains 50 releases.
  • fix: crash if updating tags for tags write-enabled and DISCOGS_ORIGINAL_TRACK_NUMBER was write-enabled

Note: if artist art is checked or artist releated tag are enabled (anvs list, members, aliases, artist id) it can take bloody forever to retrieve all this info for a compilation and an eternity for a multi-cd compilation. Best is to batch update it later. For multi-cd this will happen only for cd1 though.

v 0.98

  • chg: big refactoring of the code
  • chg: all dialogs are now non-modal and feching discogs info properly use threads, so no more UI slugishness.
  • chg: use standard foobar dialog for task progress display
  • chg: redone configuration panel, using tabs and moving album art options previously in release dialog
  • add: fetch/update artist art support
  • add: new entry in context menu: "display artist art page" (need %discogs_artist_id%)
  • add: tag mapppings: added "Original Track number", used to point to the discogs track number in case the user renumber tracks for multi-disc release, and to be later able to find those track for updating track specific tags. Enabled by default and recommended to let it enabled
  • add: tag mapppings: added "Artist id", "Artist aliases", "Artist groups", "Artist members" and "Artists ANVs".

This information is fetched from discogs artist pages, so it takes a bit longer

  • add: support of dragging of single items in discogs track list.
  • fix: auto matching based on track length was incorrect
  • fix: html parser: fixed crash when cat# contained "," such as release 1350 (thanks Dave Scream)
  • fix: when fetching art ignore not found image instead of just aborting (thanks Ydope)
  • fix: find release dialog: in some cases old previously searched artist list could appear
  • fix: find release dialog: "exact matches" state was not correctly restored to user's setting next time if automatically checked on search when there are no exact matches
  • fix: release dialog: "save art" check box was always disabled if "display art" was not checked
  • fix: update tags: TOTALTRACKS was not written


foobar2000/plugins_for_0.9.x/discogs_foo_discogs.txt · Последние изменения: 2007/05/11 04:57 (внешнее изменение)