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Список разделов foobar2000 Есть вопрос!

Описание: У вас проблемы с foobar2000 и вам необходима помощь? Спрашивайте здесь!
Правила раздела: Одна тема — один вопрос или группа связанных вопросов. Обязательно формируйте внятный заголовок, максимально отражающий суть. Подробно описывайте проблему. Не забывайте указать версию плеера, название сборки, по возможности добавить скриншоты проблемы.

Сообщение #1 iPhoneSasuke » 19.11.2018, 20:49

Здравствуйте, форумчане. В связи с обзаведением ЦАП'ом Parasound D/AC1100HD теперь мне нужно обращать внимание на разрядность треков.
В текущей версии интерфейса в верхнем правом углу есть ненужный для меня параметр, например, Tag Type. Его я хочу заменить на отображение разрядности (16bit, 24bit и т.д.). Как это сделать?

Код: Выделить всё
var empty_rating = gdi.Image(fb.FoobarPath + "images/similar_wmp_12/STAR1.png");
var empty_rating2 = gdi.Image(fb.FoobarPath + "images/similar_wmp_12/STAR2.png");
var checked_rating = gdi.Image(fb.FoobarPath + "images/similar_wmp_12/STAR3.png");
var g_font = gdi.Font("Segoe UI", 11, 0);
var focus_playing = false;
var in_library = false;
var g_move = null;
var xpos;
var ypos;
var g_timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(500);

var property_spectrum = window.GetProperty("Spectrum.Enabled", true);
var property_tmp_auto = window.GetProperty("Spectrum.TmpDir.Auto", true);
var property_tmp_dir = window.GetProperty("Spectrum.TmpDir.String", "G:\\TEMP\\spectrum\\");

// Flags, used with GdiDrawText()
DT_LEFT = 0x00000000;
DT_RIGHT = 0x00000002;
DT_END_ELLIPSIS = 0x00008000;

function RGB(r,g,b){
   return (0xff000000|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|(b));
function on_paint(gr){
   var title_back_color = RGB(200,225,250);
    var title_fore_color = RGB(0,41,99);
   var back_color = window.GetColorCUI(3);
   var text1_color = window.GetColorCUI(0);
   var text2_color = RGB(0,100,200);
   var ww = window.Width;
   var wh = window.Height;
   gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, back_color);
   gr.FillGradRect(4, 1, ww-4, 14, 0, title_back_color, back_color);
   gr.FillRoundRect(1, 0, 4, 15, 2, 2, title_back_color);
   gr.GdiDrawText("›› General Information", g_font, title_fore_color, 4, 1, ww, 14, DT_LEFT);
   gr.FillGradRect(122, 8, ww-124, 1, 0, text1_color, back_color);
   gr.FillSolidRect(122, 8, 1, 1, text1_color);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Codec:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 14, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Codec Profile:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 28, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Bitrate:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 42, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Channels:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 56, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Sample Rate:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 70, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Tool:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 84, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Tag Type:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 98, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("File Size:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 112, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.FillGradRect(4, 134, ww-4, 14, 0, title_back_color, back_color);
   gr.FillRoundRect(1, 133, 4, 15, 2, 2, title_back_color);
   gr.GdiDrawText("›› Playback Statistics", g_font, title_fore_color, 4, 134, ww, 14, DT_LEFT);
   gr.FillGradRect(110, 141, ww-112, 1, 0, text1_color, back_color);
   gr.FillSolidRect(110, 141, 1, 1, text1_color);
   gr.GdiDrawText("First Played:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 147, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Last Played:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 161, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Played:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 175, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.FillGradRect(4, 197, ww-4, 14, 0, title_back_color, back_color);
   gr.FillRoundRect(1, 196, 4, 15, 2, 2, title_back_color);
   gr.GdiDrawText("›› Rating", g_font, title_fore_color, 4, 197, ww, 14, DT_LEFT);
   gr.FillGradRect(52, 204, ww-54, 1, 0, text1_color, back_color);
   gr.FillSolidRect(52, 204, 1, 1, text1_color);
   var key_playing = fb.TitleFormat("%path%\\%subsong%").Eval();
   focus_playing = false;
   in_library = false;
   var g_focus_metadb = fb.GetFocusItem();
      var key_focus = fb.TitleFormat("%path%\\%subsong%").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      if(key_focus==key_playing) focus_playing = true;
      var string1 = fb.TitleFormat("[%codec%][ '('$info(encoding)')']").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string2 = fb.TitleFormat("[%codec_profile%]").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      if(focus_playing) string3 = fb.TitleFormat("$if($strcmp(%codec_profile%,CBR),,~)%bitrate% kbit").Eval();
         else var string3 = fb.TitleFormat("$if($strcmp(%codec_profile%,CBR),,~)$info(bitrate) kbit").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string4 = fb.TitleFormat("$caps($if3(%__mp3_stereo_mode%,[%channels%]))").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string5 = fb.TitleFormat("[%samplerate%' Hz']").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string6 = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%__tool%,$caps($if($strcmp($left(%__tool%,4),LAME),$insert(%__tool%,' ',4),%__tool%)),n/a)").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string7 = fb.TitleFormat("$if3($replace($info(tagtype),|,+),n/a)").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string8 = fb.TitleFormat("$insert(%filesize_natural%,' ',$sub($len(%filesize_natural%),2))").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string1, g_font, text2_color, 78, 14, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string2, g_font, text2_color, 78, 28, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string3, g_font, text2_color, 78, 42, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string4, g_font, text2_color, 78, 56, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string5, g_font, text2_color, 78, 70, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string6, g_font, text2_color, 78, 84, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string7, g_font, text2_color, 78, 98, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string8, g_font, text2_color, 78, 112, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
         in_library = true;
         var string9 = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%first_played%,$day_of_month(%first_played%)'.'$month(%first_played%)'.'$year(%first_played%)' '$substr(%first_played%,12,16),Never Played)").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
         var string10 = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%last_played%,$day_of_month(%last_played%)'.'$month(%last_played%)'.'$year(%last_played%)' '$substr(%last_played%,12,16),Never Played)").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
         var string11 = fb.TitleFormat("'x '$if3(%play_count%,0)").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
         var string9 = "[NOT IN MEDIA LIBRARY]";
         var string10 = "";
         var string11 = "";
      gr.GdiDrawText(string9, g_font, text2_color, 78, 147, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string10, g_font, text2_color, 78, 161, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string11, g_font, text2_color, 78, 175, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      xpos = Math.floor((ww-65)/2);
      ypos = 212;
      if(g_move) var now_check = g_move;
         else var now_check = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%rating%,0)").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      for (i = 0; i < now_check; i++){
         gr.DrawImage(checked_rating, xpos+i*13, ypos, 13, 13, 0, 0, 13, 13);
      for (j = now_check; j < 5; j++){
         if(g_move) gr.DrawImage(empty_rating2, xpos+j*13, ypos, 13, 13, 0, 0, 13, 13);
            else gr.DrawImage(empty_rating, xpos+j*13, ypos, 13, 13, 0, 0, 13, 13);
function on_item_focus_change(){
function on_mouse_move(x,y){
   if(focus_playing && in_library){
      if(xpos<=x && x<xpos+65 && ypos<=y && y<ypos+13){
         g_move = Math.floor((x-xpos)/13)+1;
            g_move = null;
function on_mouse_leave(){
   g_move = null;
function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x,y){
   if(focus_playing && in_library){
      if(xpos<=x && x<xpos+65 && ypos<=y && y<ypos+13){
         g_move = Math.floor((x-xpos)/13)+1;
         fb.RunContextCommand("Playback Statistics/Rating/" + g_move);
function on_mouse_rbtn_down(x,y){
   var _menu = window.CreatePopupMenu();
   if(focus_playing && in_library){
      var current_rating = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%rating%,0)").Eval();
         _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000000, 1, "Delete rating");
         _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000800, 0, 0);
   if(property_spectrum && fb.GetFocusItem()!=null){
      _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000000, 2, "Spectrum");
      _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000800, 0, 0);
   _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000000, 3, "Properties");
   _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000000, 4, "Configure...");
   ret = _menu.TrackPopupMenu(x, y);
   switch (ret){
      case 1:
         fb.RunContextCommand("Playback Statistics/Rating/<not set>");
      case 2:
      case 3:
      case 4:
function on_timer(id){
function spectrum(){
   var g_focus_metadb = fb.GetFocusItem();
      var subsong=fb.TitleFormat("%subsong%").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
         var workdir = fb.FoobarPath+"\spectrum\\";
         if(property_tmp_auto) var tmpdir = workdir;
            else var tmpdir = property_tmp_dir;
         var batname = tmpdir+"spectrum.bat";
         var filename = fb.TitleFormat("%path%").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
         var lenght = " ("+fb.TitleFormat("%length%=%length_seconds%").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb)+")";
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
if (fso.fileexists(batname)==true) var ts = fso.OpenTextFile(batname, 2);
else var ts = fso.CreateTextFile(batname, 1);
ts.WriteLine('@echo off');
ts.WriteLine('"'+workdir+'ffmpeg.exe" -y -i '+shortname(filename)+' "'+tmpdir+'spectrum.wav"');
ts.WriteLine('"'+workdir+'sox.exe" "'+tmpdir+'spectrum.wav" -n spectrogram -x 739 -Y 568 -w Hann -S 0 -c "Generated with SOX in foobar2000 by Alex Realist" -o "'+tmpdir+'spectrum_tmp.png"');
ts.WriteLine('copy "'+tmpdir+'spectrum_tmp.png" "'+tmpdir+'spectrum.png"');
         var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
         WshShell.run('cmd /c start "spectrum.bat" /min cmd /c "'+batname+'"');
      else fb.ShowPopupMessage("Spectrum for multiple tracks within single physical file is unreleased in this version.","Information");
function shortname(filespec){
   var fso2 = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

Добавлено спустя 37 минут 16 секунд:
Оп-оп-оп, сам разрбрался. Теперь плеер стал еще лучше.
Код: Выделить всё
var empty_rating = gdi.Image(fb.FoobarPath + "images/similar_wmp_12/STAR1.png");
var empty_rating2 = gdi.Image(fb.FoobarPath + "images/similar_wmp_12/STAR2.png");
var checked_rating = gdi.Image(fb.FoobarPath + "images/similar_wmp_12/STAR3.png");
var g_font = gdi.Font("Segoe UI", 11, 0);
var focus_playing = false;
var in_library = false;
var g_move = null;
var xpos;
var ypos;
var g_timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(500);

var property_spectrum = window.GetProperty("Spectrum.Enabled", true);
var property_tmp_auto = window.GetProperty("Spectrum.TmpDir.Auto", true);
var property_tmp_dir = window.GetProperty("Spectrum.TmpDir.String", "G:\\TEMP\\spectrum\\");

// Flags, used with GdiDrawText()
DT_LEFT = 0x00000000;
DT_RIGHT = 0x00000002;
DT_END_ELLIPSIS = 0x00008000;

function RGB(r,g,b){
   return (0xff000000|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|(b));
function on_paint(gr){
   var title_back_color = RGB(200,225,250);
    var title_fore_color = RGB(0,41,99);
   var back_color = window.GetColorCUI(3);
   var text1_color = window.GetColorCUI(0);
   var text2_color = RGB(0,100,200);
   var ww = window.Width;
   var wh = window.Height;
   gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, back_color);
   gr.FillGradRect(4, 1, ww-4, 14, 0, title_back_color, back_color);
   gr.FillRoundRect(1, 0, 4, 15, 2, 2, title_back_color);
   gr.GdiDrawText("›› General Information", g_font, title_fore_color, 4, 1, ww, 14, DT_LEFT);
   gr.FillGradRect(122, 8, ww-124, 1, 0, text1_color, back_color);
   gr.FillSolidRect(122, 8, 1, 1, text1_color);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Codec:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 14, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Codec Profile:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 28, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Bitrate:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 42, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Channels:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 56, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Sample Rate:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 70, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
    gr.GdiDrawText("Bit Depth:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 84, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
    gr.GdiDrawText("Tool:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 98, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("File Size:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 112, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.FillGradRect(4, 134, ww-4, 14, 0, title_back_color, back_color);
   gr.FillRoundRect(1, 133, 4, 15, 2, 2, title_back_color);
   gr.GdiDrawText("›› Playback Statistics", g_font, title_fore_color, 4, 134, ww, 14, DT_LEFT);
   gr.FillGradRect(110, 141, ww-112, 1, 0, text1_color, back_color);
   gr.FillSolidRect(110, 141, 1, 1, text1_color);
   gr.GdiDrawText("First Played:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 147, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Last Played:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 161, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.GdiDrawText("Played:", g_font, text1_color, 5, 175, 70, 14, DT_RIGHT);
   gr.FillGradRect(4, 197, ww-4, 14, 0, title_back_color, back_color);
   gr.FillRoundRect(1, 196, 4, 15, 2, 2, title_back_color);
   gr.GdiDrawText("›› Rating", g_font, title_fore_color, 4, 197, ww, 14, DT_LEFT);
   gr.FillGradRect(52, 204, ww-54, 1, 0, text1_color, back_color);
   gr.FillSolidRect(52, 204, 1, 1, text1_color);
   var key_playing = fb.TitleFormat("%path%\\%subsong%").Eval();
   focus_playing = false;
   in_library = false;
   var g_focus_metadb = fb.GetFocusItem();
      var key_focus = fb.TitleFormat("%path%\\%subsong%").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      if(key_focus==key_playing) focus_playing = true;
      var string1 = fb.TitleFormat("[%codec%][ '('$info(encoding)')']").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string2 = fb.TitleFormat("[%codec_profile%]").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      if(focus_playing) string3 = fb.TitleFormat("$if($strcmp(%codec_profile%,CBR),,~)%bitrate% kbit").Eval();
         else var string3 = fb.TitleFormat("$if($strcmp(%codec_profile%,CBR),,~)$info(bitrate) kbit").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string4 = fb.TitleFormat("$caps($if3(%__mp3_stereo_mode%,[%channels%]))").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string5 = fb.TitleFormat("[%samplerate%' Hz']").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string6 = fb.TitleFormat("[%__bitspersample% bit]").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string7 = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%__tool%,$caps($if($strcmp($left(%__tool%,4),LAME),$insert(%__tool%,' ',4),%__tool%)),n/a)").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      var string8 = fb.TitleFormat("$insert(%filesize_natural%,' ',$sub($len(%filesize_natural%),2))").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);      gr.GdiDrawText(string1, g_font, text2_color, 78, 14, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string2, g_font, text2_color, 78, 28, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string3, g_font, text2_color, 78, 42, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string4, g_font, text2_color, 78, 56, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string5, g_font, text2_color, 78, 70, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string6, g_font, text2_color, 78, 84, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string7, g_font, text2_color, 78, 98, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string8, g_font, text2_color, 78, 112, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
         in_library = true;
         var string9 = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%first_played%,$day_of_month(%first_played%)'.'$month(%first_played%)'.'$year(%first_played%)' '$substr(%first_played%,12,16),Never Played)").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
         var string10 = fb.TitleFormat("$if(%last_played%,$day_of_month(%last_played%)'.'$month(%last_played%)'.'$year(%last_played%)' '$substr(%last_played%,12,16),Never Played)").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
         var string11 = fb.TitleFormat("'x '$if3(%play_count%,0)").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
         var string9 = "[NOT IN MEDIA LIBRARY]";
         var string10 = "";
         var string11 = "";
      gr.GdiDrawText(string9, g_font, text2_color, 78, 147, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string10, g_font, text2_color, 78, 161, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      gr.GdiDrawText(string11, g_font, text2_color, 78, 175, ww-80, 14, DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
      xpos = Math.floor((ww-65)/2);
      ypos = 212;
      if(g_move) var now_check = g_move;
         else var now_check = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%rating%,0)").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
      for (i = 0; i < now_check; i++){
         gr.DrawImage(checked_rating, xpos+i*13, ypos, 13, 13, 0, 0, 13, 13);
      for (j = now_check; j < 5; j++){
         if(g_move) gr.DrawImage(empty_rating2, xpos+j*13, ypos, 13, 13, 0, 0, 13, 13);
            else gr.DrawImage(empty_rating, xpos+j*13, ypos, 13, 13, 0, 0, 13, 13);
function on_item_focus_change(){
function on_mouse_move(x,y){
   if(focus_playing && in_library){
      if(xpos<=x && x<xpos+65 && ypos<=y && y<ypos+13){
         g_move = Math.floor((x-xpos)/13)+1;
            g_move = null;
function on_mouse_leave(){
   g_move = null;
function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x,y){
   if(focus_playing && in_library){
      if(xpos<=x && x<xpos+65 && ypos<=y && y<ypos+13){
         g_move = Math.floor((x-xpos)/13)+1;
         fb.RunContextCommand("Playback Statistics/Rating/" + g_move);
function on_mouse_rbtn_down(x,y){
   var _menu = window.CreatePopupMenu();
   if(focus_playing && in_library){
      var current_rating = fb.TitleFormat("$if2(%rating%,0)").Eval();
         _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000000, 1, "Delete rating");
         _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000800, 0, 0);
   if(property_spectrum && fb.GetFocusItem()!=null){
      _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000000, 2, "Spectrum");
      _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000800, 0, 0);
   _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000000, 3, "Properties");
   _menu.AppendMenuItem(0x00000000, 4, "Configure...");
   ret = _menu.TrackPopupMenu(x, y);
   switch (ret){
      case 1:
         fb.RunContextCommand("Playback Statistics/Rating/<not set>");
      case 2:
      case 3:
      case 4:
function on_timer(id){
function spectrum(){
   var g_focus_metadb = fb.GetFocusItem();
      var subsong=fb.TitleFormat("%subsong%").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
         var workdir = fb.FoobarPath+"\spectrum\\";
         if(property_tmp_auto) var tmpdir = workdir;
            else var tmpdir = property_tmp_dir;
         var batname = tmpdir+"spectrum.bat";
         var filename = fb.TitleFormat("%path%").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb);
         var lenght = " ("+fb.TitleFormat("%length%=%length_seconds%").EvalWithMetadb(g_focus_metadb)+")";
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
if (fso.fileexists(batname)==true) var ts = fso.OpenTextFile(batname, 2);
else var ts = fso.CreateTextFile(batname, 1);
ts.WriteLine('@echo off');
ts.WriteLine('"'+workdir+'ffmpeg.exe" -y -i '+shortname(filename)+' "'+tmpdir+'spectrum.wav"');
ts.WriteLine('"'+workdir+'sox.exe" "'+tmpdir+'spectrum.wav" -n spectrogram -x 739 -Y 568 -w Hann -S 0 -c "Generated with SOX in foobar2000 by Alex Realist" -o "'+tmpdir+'spectrum_tmp.png"');
ts.WriteLine('copy "'+tmpdir+'spectrum_tmp.png" "'+tmpdir+'spectrum.png"');
         var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
         WshShell.run('cmd /c start "spectrum.bat" /min cmd /c "'+batname+'"');
      else fb.ShowPopupMessage("Spectrum for multiple tracks within single physical file is unreleased in this version.","Information");
function shortname(filespec){
   var fso2 = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
Скриншот 19-11-2018 202605.png
Скриншот 19-11-2018 194222.png
iPhoneSasuke M
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