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Вы находитесь здесь:
Энциклопедия foobar2000
Плагины для foobar2000 v. 0.9.x
Foosic Music Database (foo_sic)
Перед вами список доступных страниц, упорядоченный по
пространствам имён
4Front Headphones (foo_dsp_headphones)
AC3 Decoder (foo_ac3)
AC3 Packet Decoder (foo_packet_decoder_ac3)
Acropolis's WMA decoder (foo_input_awma)
ADPCM Decoder (foo_adpcm)
Advanced Controls (foo_advancedcontrols)
ALAC Decoder (foo_input_alac)
Alarm (foo_alarm)
Album Art Panel (foo_uie_albumart)
Album Art Panel for matroska (foo_uie_albumart_mka)
Album List Panel (foo_uie_albumlist)
Albumlist autoupdate (foo_albumlist_autoupdate)
AMIP Wrapper (foo_amipwrapper)
Another Slight Atari Player (foo_asap)
ASIO Output (foo_out_asio)
ATSurround Processor (foo_dsp_atsurround)
Audio CD Writer (foo_burninate)
Audioscrobbler (foo_audioscrobbler)
Autoplaylist Manager (foo_autoplaylist)
Bin Pack (foo_binpack)
Binary Comparator (foo_bitcompare)
Bookmarks (foo_uie_bookmarks)
BS2D (foo_dsp_bs2p)
Список плагинов в алфавитном порядке
Channel Mixer (foo_channel_mixer)
Channel Usage Visualisation (foo_vis_channelusage)
Columns UI (foo_ui_columns)
COM Automation Server (foo_comserver2)
Command Playlist (foo_cmd_playlist)
Common Services (foo_common)
Component Versions Viewer (foo_version)
Console (foo_uie_console)
Continuator (foo_dsp_continuator)
Control Server (foo_controlserver)
Convolve (foo_convolve)
Crossfader (foo_dsp_crossfader)
Crossfeed (foo_dsp_crossfeed)
Cuesheet Creator (foo_cuesheet_creator)
Custom Info (foo_custominfo)
Cwbowron's Title formating (foo_cwb_hooks)
Database Search (foo_dbsearch)
DDE Control (foo_ddecontrol)
Decoding Speed Test (foo_benchmark)
Default user interface (foo_ui_std)
Default Video Player (foo_default_videoplayer)
Discogs (foo_discogs)
Dockable Panels (foo_dockable_panels)
Dolby Headphone Wrapper (foo_dsp_dolbyhp)
Dolby Pro Logic II wrapper (foo_dsp_pl2)
DTS Decoder (foo_dts)
DUMB Module Decoder (foo_dumb)
Explorer Panel (foo_uie_explorer)
EXTM3U (foo_extm3u)
Feature Watcher (foo_whatsnew)
File Integrity Verifier (foo_verifier)
Flame visualisation (foo_vis_flame)
Egoh User Interface (foo_ui_egoh)
Panels UI (foo_ui_panels)
Egoh Spectrum Analyser (foo_uie_vis_egoh)
Foosic Music Database (foo_sic)
freedb2 Characters Fixer (foo_freedb2_fix)
Freedb Tagger (foo_freedb2)
FreeSurround (foo_dsp_fsurround)
Full Screen (foo_fullscreen)
Game Audio Decoder (foo_game)
Game Emu Player (foo_gep)
Ganbatte! (foo_ganbatte)
Gapless (foo_dsp_gapless)
Gasazip Lyrics (foo_gasazip)
GFX window (foo_ui_gfx)
Highlight Playing (foo_highlightplaying)
History (foo_history)
HTTP Server(foo_httpserver)
HTTP Writer (foo_write_http)
HyperIM (foo_2hyperim)
Inactive Tracks (foo_skip)
iPod Manager (foo_dop)
Joystick Control (foo_joystick_control)
Kernel Streaming Output (foo_out_ks)
Last.fm Chart Player (foo_scrobblecharts)
Live Show Tagger (foo_tradersfriend)
Logitech G15 LCD Display (foo_g15lcd)
LPCM - Delta-PCM Converter (foo_dsp_delta)
Lunar 2 PCM Decoder (foo_lunar2)
Lyrics Panel (foo_uie_lyrics_panel)
LyricsDB (foo_lyricsdb)
M1 Decoder (foo_m1)
Masstagger Addons (foo_masstag_addons)
Matroska Plugin (foo_input_matroska)
MDX Decoder (foo_input_mdx)
Menu Addons (foo_menu_addons)
MeowDB (foo_meowdb)
MIDI Synthesizer Host (foo_midi)
Mini Lyrics (foo_ui_minilyrics)
Minibar2k (foo_Minibar2k)
Miranda IM Notifier (foo_mim_notify)
Monkey's Audio Decoder (foo_input_monkey)
MSLive (foo_input_mslive)
MSN Now Playing (alt) (foo_msnalt)
Music Browser (foo_browser)
Navigator (foo_navigator)
No Screensaver (foo_noss)
NSF Decoder (foo_input_nsf)
On-Screen Display (foo_osd)
On-Screen Display GDI (foo_osd_gdiplus)
OptimFROG Lossless Audio Decoder (foo_input_ofr)
OSS/3D (foo_dsp_oss3ddsp)
Pause On Lock (foo_lock)
Pause On Lock (foo_lock_ex)
Play Count Mod (неофициальный) (foo_playcount_mod)
Play Count (официальный) (foo_playcount)
Play Count (неофициальный) (foo_playcount) (устаревший)
Playback Queue Viewer (foo_pqview)
Playlist Bind (foo_playlist_bind)
Playlist Clear (foo_playlistclear)
Playlist Dropdown (foo_uie_playlists_dropdown)
Playlist Lock Test (foo_locktest)
Playlist Manager (foo_playlist_manager)
Playlist Name Enhanced (foo_playlist_name_enhanced)
Playlist Tools (foo_utils)
Playlist Tools for Matroska (foo_utils_mka)
Playlist Tree (foo_playlist_tree)
Post-track Silence (foo_dsp_silence)
Pretty Popup (foo_prettypop)
Preview (foo_preview)
ProjectM Visualisation (foo_vis_projectM)
ProjectM Visualisation Panel (foo_uie_vis_projectM)
PSF Decoder (foo_psf)
Queue Manager (foo_queuemanager)
Queue Manager (foo_uie_queuemanager)
Quicksearch Panel (foo_uie_quicksearch)
Randomized Playlist Entry (foo_random)
Rating (foo_rating)
Remote Control (foo_remotecontrol)
Remove Played (foo_removeplayed)
Replaygain Override (foo_rg_trn)
Все необходимое для работоспособности плагинов
Reverse Playback (foo_input_reverse)
RM-1800 (foo_mr1800)
RM-X Media Edition (foo_rmx)
Run Commands (foo_runcmd)
Run (foo_run)
S98 Decoder (foo_input_s98)
Scheduler (foo_scheduler)
Secret Rabit Code Resampler (foo_dsp_src9)
Send To Device (foo_sendtodevice)
Shell Link Resolver (foo_lnk)
Shorten Decoder (foo_input_shorten)
SID Player 2 (foo_sid)
Simple Now Playing (foo_np_simple)
Single Column Playlist Viewer (foo_uie_single_column_playlist)
Skip Silence (foo_dsp_skip_silence)
Soundtouch (foo_dsp_soundtouch)
Special File Info Box (foo_infobox)
SSRC (foo_dsp_ssrc)
Surround Pan (foo_dsp_span)
Tabs (foo_uie_tabs)
TAK Decoder (foo_input_tak)
Taskbar Remover (foo_notaskbar)
Titlebar (foo_managedWrapper)
Track Finder (foo_trackfinder)
Track Info Panel (foo_uie_trackinfo)
Track Info Panel Mod (foo_uie_trackinfo_mod)
Track Position (foo_trackpos)
TTA Audio Decoder (неофициальный) (foo_input_tta)
Tube Sound (foo_dsp_tube)
Unpacker for JMA archive (foo_unpack_jma)
Unpacker for LHA archive (foo_unpack_lha)
VLevel (foo_dsp_vlevel)
Voice Cut Filter (foo_dsp_centercut)
WavPack Packet Decoder (foo_packet_decoder_wavpack)
Winamp API Emulator (foo_winamp_spam)
Winamp DSP Bridge (foo_dsp_winamp)
WinLIRC Client (foo_lirc)
WMP Visualizations (foo_uie_wmpvis)
WSH Panel (foo_uie_wsh_panel)
XM Radio Online Player (foo_xm)
XOver (foo_dsp_xover)
XSPF (foo_xspf)
foobar2000: командная строка
foobar2000: каталоги
Рекомендуемые стандарты тегов
foobar2000: FAQ
Foobar2000 FAQ (устаревшая вторая редакция)
Архив за февраль 2007г.
Поддерживаемые форматы файлов
Словарь терминов
Ссылки на ресурсы о foobar2000
Руководство по foobar2000
Архив за март 2007г.
Новости и обновления
Плагины (руководства)
Плагины для foobar2000 v. 0.9.x
Плагины для foobar2000 v. 0.9.x (СТАРАЯ ВЕРСИЯ)
Плагины 1.x
foobar2000 component Luggage
Foobar2000 Plugins
foobar2000 Components of Hydrogen Wiki
Foosion components
Acropolis' plugins
Skipy Rich plugins
Zao's foobar2000 components
TAGZ (скрипты foobar2000)
foobar2000: секреты и трюки
Справка по функциям и полям, используемым в скриптах Foobar2000 (TAGZ)
Аудиокодеки / кодеры / декодеры
Аппаратное обеспечение
Программное обеспечение
Энциклопедия foobar2000
· Последние изменения: 2007/02/11 15:29 (внешнее изменение)
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